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Sandy Lochrie

Susan Evershed has been collecting wine for over twenty years and averages 500 bottles in her cellar. She has always enjoyed the challenge of matching wines to food. Recently she decided to learn the art of cooking and this blog is to share with others, her discoveries when experimenting with the pairings of wine and food.

Sandy Lochrie has been cooking all her life and she is a natural. Her cookbooks resemble the notebooks of a scientist. She changes recipes, making them her own, resulting in unique and flavor filled dishes. Sandy furthers her expression by presenting a meal that not only tastes delicious, but becomes a carefully crafted piece of edible art.

Wine Reviews

Wines reviewed will not be influenced by price, previous reviews given by other publications, stunning labels or sales records. Simply put, the wine must be more than just drinkable. We welcome all opinions from the wine loving public and would be happy to hear about any outstanding wines we have yet to try.


 We are eclectic eaters. Recently we’ve been exploring healthier dishes, but this is not to say we don’t cook comfort foods.
Our motto: Flavor first and always first or it’s not worth eating.
Our recipes come from magazines, friends and neighbors, our imaginations or have been passed down through family generations. We will share, with you, our favorites.